Job Postings Dataset
Real time & historical job data at your fingertips
Get jobs dataset across all countries, refreshed daily
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Every 24h
Data points on Jobs
Dataset coverage
Fresh job data
Without effort
Get Real time & Historical Job Data
Be alerted WHEN the job is published with our job API and webhooks. And access several years of recruitment history.
Get only structured job data enriched with company info.
Contact Data
Get the Hiring manager or the key decision makers details on the fly.
Advanced Job Search
Filter jobs based on job title, description, publication date… But also company info like industry of number of employees
Seamlessly Aggregate and Structure
Job posting data
Job Data Points
Structured job data will fuel your data pipeline to track companies recruitment needs, your competitors activity or even your prospects tech stack.
Multiple job boards data
Get job offers data from the biggest job boards. And scale your job data pipeline without any scraping effort.
Comprehensive Job Dataset
Data Features and Benefits
Our Job Dataset offers a range of features and benefits designed to provide deep insights into the job market.
Comprehensive Coverage: With thousands of job openings, the dataset offers extensive coverage of the job market.
Daily Updates: The dataset is updated every 24 hours.
Unique Identifiers: Each job is assigned a unique ID.
Detailed Information: The dataset includes 20+ information like job responsibilities, salary ranges, …
Flexible Formats: Data is available in various formats, including JSON Lines, CSV, Webhook or API.
Monthly Estimates: Access job counts monthly estimates, to track market trends.
Job & Contact Dataset
Starting at $500 / month
Get all the job data available
Refresh: daily, weekly, monthly
Add contact data
Pricing doesn't vary with volume
Custom integration
Unlock key insights & opportunities about
The labor market
Expend you job market Analysis
Geographic & Industry trends from US market
Salary ranges & trends
Skills analysis
Companies firmographic & tech stack data
Get the contact of companies hiring
Get the contact behind every job offer
Access contact details: email, phone, LinkedIn
Exclude automatically recruiting companies
Develop Cutting-Edge Tools and Dashboards
Cloud Storage
Stay ahead of your competition
Book a Demo.
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