For Who


Track all Opportunities from Job Postings


Get the contact of companies hiring without effort

Find the contact of companies hiring

Find the contact of companies hiring

Find the contact of companies hiring

One platform for all

Job and Contact data

Find the contact of companies hiring

Target companies based on their recruitment and find the relevant contact.

Job postings Dataset

Get all jobs data with daily updates from the major job

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Companies recruitment tracking

Track recruitments for a given list of companies.



Get contact of companies hiring

In seconds not hours

Track companies job postings

Without efforts

Follow hiring intent in just a few clicks to find leads in need of your service or product, at scale.

Filter on job title

Filter on job description

Filter on recruitment volume

Filter on recent jobs



Senior Sales - Smartlinks

“… use our CRM Hubspot



Sales specialist – MAVEN

“… open to Freelance


develop emea

Head of Sales – MANIFEST

“… mission to develop EMEA

Talent Rise

Tech lead - London, UK

Zip Recruiter

Sales manager - Paris, FR


Data Scientist - N.Y., USA


Sales - Chicago, USA

Exclude Recruiting Agencies


Target only end-clients

Filter companies on industries

Get the right contact

Behind every job offer

Find the contact behind every job postings matching your targeting

Full name & Job title

LinkedIn Profile URL

Business email

Direct phone number


Recruiting a Sales

JOHN DOE published this job

Sales Director

(555) 555-1234

Boost your Sales

Boost your Sales

Save time and focus on clients

Ready to talk to you


Spared per day in lead searching


Higher response rate


Business meetings booked



+1,000 companies use Mantiks to

track hiring intent at scale

  • “Mantiks gave me an incredible visibility on the job market to find quickly new opportunities.”

    Cristel Moreau

    Freelance Recruiter

    “Accurate and useful data for lead generation as we are using the job market to track business opportunities.”

    Vincent Dumont

    Lead Gen Manager, Converteo

    "Mantiks is a real game changer to find quickly companies hiring in apprenticeship!"

    Kristelle Emon

    Head of Partnerships, MBS Ed.

  • “Mantiks has saved us a lot of time on prospecting, while targeting highly qualified prospects!”

    Baptiste Frou

    CEO, Find Your Staff

    “Mantiks allowed me to quickly map my competitors market through job description analysis: so useful for my outbound campaigns!”

    Thomas Lucy

    CEO, Enrow

    "Mantiks is a great product to find leads based on hiring intents!"

    Juan Rodrigo

    Head of Growth, Lumapps

  • “Very good platform to track companies IT needs based on job postings!”

    Jordan Patels

    CEO, ITNetwork

    "Mantiks allows us to find quickly new leads based on hiring intents with a complete overview of the job market!"

    Romain Aralou

    Manager, Implid

    "Easy to use and really efficient to find companies recruiting students for our school in apprenticeship."

    Quentin Andrieux

    Head of Partnerships, IronHack

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