Get the contact of companies hiring Automatically

Monitor job postings in real time.

Get new business opportunities at scale.

Trusted by +500 companies


One platform for all Jobs and Contact data

Find qualified leads using hiring intents refreshed every day

And get the right contact straight away.

Access all company job offers

Find all the company hiring history from various job boards in the same place

Receive new opportunities daily

Get your lead list by mail, in your CRM or directly by API.

Get detailed contacts

Full name, job title, Mail, linkedin profile, direct phone number.

How it works

Get the contact of companies recruiting

In seconds not hours

Step 1

Track companies job postings

Specify jobs titles, keywords in job description, recruitment volume you want to track.

Step 2

Exclude recruiting & consulting firms


Target only end-clients who recruit for themselves to get qualified leads.

Step 3

Get the right decision maker contact

Select in one click the decision maker you want to contact to have the mail, linkedin profile and phone number.

Step 4

Be alerted as soon as an opportunity arises

Stay tuned to the job market without effort.

70% of the sales cycle is devoted to finding the right contact

Save time and focus on clients ready to talk to you

spared per day in lead searching
Higher response rate
Business meetings booked


Hundreds of professionals already use Mantiks to find opportunities.

“Mantiks gave me an incredible visibility on the job market to find quickly new opportunities.”

Freelance recruiter

“Very good platform to track companies IT needs based on job postings!”

CEO, IT Services company

“Great platform to automate your lead generation based on companies recruiting.”

Founder, Recruiting agency

“Accurate and useful data for lead generation as we are using the job market to track business opportunities.”

Lead Generation and Marketing Manager, Consulting company

Ready to find new contact?
Get the contact of companies hiring automatically.